Weekend Recap

It’s here. The dreaded day of the week. Monday.

There’s something special about Monday’s. Some Monday’s I am dreading everything and anything. I don’t want to get out of bed, I just want to watch Netflix and Hulu all day long, and I just want to scroll down my Instagram feed. Some Mondays, I feel like I can conquer the world. I swear up and down I’m going to start eating better, I’ll start being more consistent with my workouts and that I’ll get 500 things done. This Monday….well, let’s just say I don’t feel like doing anything.

Anyway! I want to start doing weekend recaps with you all. I think it’ll be a fun way to get to know one another-so here we go!


Santiago and I woke up early in the morning to run to AT&T. Like mentioned in the previous blog post, I no longer had any storage on my phone, it was constantly glitching and it was time I move over to his phone line and stop riding on my parents for free. (Hehe oops) So, we ran to AT&T and after an hour of being there we walked out with a brand new phone for me! YAY!

After getting me a new phone we ran to Chik-Fil-A (YUM) ate some lunch and then headed to Little Rock for some shopping. Santiago really wanted to find a Mexico soccer jersey, but he had no luck. After doing some shopping, cashing in on a free birthday pretzel from Auntie Anne’s (the best) and almost dying of a heat stroke, we made our way home.

Once we got back home we just got to doing some not so fun stuff around the apartment. Once that was done, a girlfriend and I decided to go to the pool and layout. We spent the remainder of the day catching rays.



Sunday morning Santiago and I ran to church (we woke up an hour before church-we’re the worst.) After church we went to one of our favorite pizza places in Conway-Blaze Pizza. After Blaze Santiago decided he wanted to go to Game Stop (I get so bored in there, oops.) After leaving Game Stop I decided it was my turn to bore him and dragged him to Target. *evil smirk*

After being in Target for an embarrassingly long time, we decided it was time to run to the grocery store.

(Really Sunday was just spent doing adult things that no one thinks is fun, but ya know….needs to get done.)

  • Grocery shopping
  • Organized the apartment
  • Made dinner
  • Went to Las Delicias- a Mexican candy shop in Conway
  • Walked around Entertainmart
  • Went home and organized and rolled all of our loose change for a trip we have coming up

So, we did quite a bit on Sunday but none of it was very fun.

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Doesn’t that pizza look amazing? Ugh, the best. If you have a Blaze Pizza near, you definitely have to try it! So friends, what did you weekend consist of?

With Love, Kim

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